Albas BC – The Shuswap’s Most Powerful Waterfall

Albas BC – The Shuswap’s Most Powerful Waterfall – Given the many waterfalls in the Shuswap Columbia Regional District, Albas surely is very impressive, especially in spring during high-flow run-oss season. Albas was once a small community, where trapper, prospector and namesake Al Bass. Caleb Albert “Al” Bass born in 1866, lived at the turn of the century in a cabin at Seymour Landing from the mid 1890’s to about 1935 – 1936. (Source: Albert Bass – BC Mines Report 1907, p.132.)

Today, Albas is part of 23 Shuswap marine parks and it’s official name is Shuswap Lake Marine Provincial Park – Albas Falls Site. All locations are popular for fishing and water sports; hiking and nature study are popular at some sites. Some sites are road accessible, but most are water-access only. 

Albas BC – The Shuswap’s Most Powerful Waterfall

Shuswap Lake Marine Provincial Park – Albas Falls Site is an undeveloped camping area located at the north-west end of Seymour Arm. Some areas are road accessible. Camping is only permitted in specific areas.

Albas BC – The Shuswap’s Most Powerful Waterfall

A trail that begins near Steamboat Bay follows Celesta Creek upstream approximately 1.5 km, then crosses the creek and returns to the lake. Noted for a series of beautiful waterfalls and some interesting features from early logging days. Bears are frequent visitors in this site.

Albas BC – The Shuswap’s Most Powerful Waterfall

As many trails follow raging waters in this park, it is worth noting the associated dangers as steep drops and unguarded viewing points are plentiful. Similar caution is required when entering some the waterfall pools which can exhibit powerful undertow currents during times of elevated water levels. Unfortunately, a few people have been swept away and drowned as a result of it in Albas Provincial Park.

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Directions: Approx 9.4 km west of Sorrento on Hwy 1, turn left onto Squilax-Anglemont Rd and follow it for approx 46 km to St. Ives. The pavement ends soon and you need to follow this dirt road up the west side of Seymour Arm. Half way up this road you will find (strangely so) an old pay phone mounted on the road embankment. There have been recent reports and speculations about its time era – rest assured, it has been there for a long time. We have seen it on a trip in the mid 1990’s.

Albas BC – The Shuswap’s Most Powerful Waterfall (6)

Between the 30 and 31 km marker, keep an eye out for an easy-to-miss sign on your right to Albas Provincial Park. Turn right down the road and follow it for another 2km. This road is quite narrow and full of deep potholes, so take it easy! For water access, dock at Steamboat Bay, located on the opposite side of the creek from the campsite.

Albas BC – The Shuswap’s Most Powerful Waterfall – YouTube Video
