Brenda Falls at Sugar Lake Dam, BC

Brenda Falls at Sugar Lake Dam, BC – A few kilometers south of Sugar Lake in Bc is the location of Brenda Falls. In 1942, BC Hydro constructed a dam to create storage and increase the power generating potential at Wilsey Dam (Shuswap Falls). This new dam allowed for another 4000 HP generating unit at Shuswap Falls, which translates to another 5.2 MW of capacity.

Brenda Falls at Sugar Lake Dam, BC - Jack And Matt Photography

Brenda Falls at Sugar Lake Dam is worth a visit for photography buffs and anyone who loves the raw power of waterfalls. Caution is advised when attempting to get closer to the rivers edge via the western side’s former viewing area. A steep, badly eroded, old trail that leads down to the bottom of the dam wall and the falls.

Brenda Falls at Sugar Lake Dam, BC - Jack And Matt Photography

The powers of water are best captured in high speed photography or in video. In winter, the lighting conditions can be difficult when shooting sun illuminated waters from a dark location.

Brenda Falls at Sugar Lake Dam, BC - Jack And Matt Photography

Brenda Falls at Sugar Lake Dam, BC and all other hydroelectric facilities create special risks for visitors. Sudden changes in water flows in the spillway, strong currents near the dam, and the presence of numerous log jams and debris make swimming and boating dangerous.

Brenda Falls at Sugar Lake - Jack And Matt Photography

Leave a plan of your for your own safety, stay behind fenced areas, away from all hydroelectric operating structures, and away from steep cliffs. Before embarking on a trip, ensure that you have detailed mapping, have first hand knowledge of the river and present conditions, and have taken adequate safety precautions, especially during high water.